The World’s Hottest Chilli Pepper – Trinidad Scorpion Butch T


Breaking News: Trinidad Scorpion Moruga tests at over 2 million scoville units!

As of June 4 2011 the official Guinness World’s Record page has been updated and recognizes the Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” as the hottest pepper in the world.

Meet the Butch T Trinidad Scorpion chilli pepper:

Here’s a great ButchT TS taste test video(some foul language):

And another:

And another…

And one more…

These are the best Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pictures (taken by POTAWIE) I’ve seen:


Aug5 013

Sept 8 012

Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Facts and Information

– The record setting Butch T Trinidad Scorpion tested at 1,463,700 SHU (SHU = scoville heat units). The current official Guinness record holder is the Naga Viper pepper which tested at 1,382,118 scoville heat units.

– The record setting Butch T Scorpion was grown in Australia by The Chilli Factory.

– The Hippy Seed Company supplied the seeds to the Chilli Factory that were used to grow the 1,463,700 SHU ButchT Trinidad Scorpions.

– The name ButchT or Butch T is after Butch Taylor. Butch is the owner of Zydeco Hot Sauce and person credited with originally discovering this strain. According to a post in this thread Butch was growing out the the Jonah strain, noticed a pod variation and saved the seed. He’s been sharing the seeds for a few years. When sending out seeds Butch would include his first name last initial (common when swapping seeds) on the seed package.

Photo by OMRI

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Seed Packs

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Seed Packs

– According to a comment in this post from Butch he originally acquired the seeds from a seed bank and they had been sent to that bank by ” “Mark” from New Jersey, he used to go by the username of Groovyone on the old gardenweb site”. Learn more about the origin of the Butch T seeds here – The Trail of the Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” Strain.

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Seeds

If you’re in to hot peppers you will at some point want to grow this fireball. Here are a few places that may have the ButchT TS seeds for sale. No guarantees and important to note I have not personally ordered seeds from any of these suppliers unless otherwise noted.

– The Hippy Seed Company
– Refining Fire Chiles
– Super Hot Chiles
– Amazon
– Local Harvest
– Try my Ordering Pepper Seeds search engine.
– Check the list I maintain at
– Make a post in the buy/sell pepper seeds section at and see if anyone will hook you up.

If you sell ButchT Trinidad Scorpion Chilli seeds leave a comment with your info below and I’ll add you to this list.

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Plants

Refining Fire Chiles

If you sell Trinidad Scorpion Butch T plants leave a comment with your info below and I’ll add you to this list

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Discussions

– Butch T is the Hottest
– Trinidad Scorpion Butch T – Worlds Hottest Pepper
– New Record Broken Again!
– BeagleStorm vs. The Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Chile
– naganumbness eats the butch T scorpion
– ButchT Scorps
– ButchT Scorpion Sauce
– Trinidad Scorpion ButchT (video review)
– First Image of the Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T”
– Special Presentation…The Hottest Chilli In The World the “ButchT Trinidad Scorpion”
– NEW worlds hottest chilli (registration required, page 7/8 is where ButchT discussion kicks in)
– Passow Eats The Trinidad Scorpion (2009 Post w/comments from Butch Taylor)
– News from Australia Trinidad Scorpion New Record 1,463,700 SHU’s
– Trinidad Scorpion the Newly Crowned King of Hot Peppers
– Butch T tops out 1.46 million
– Trinidad Scorpion Butch T and The Chilli Factory
– Trinidad Scorpion Butch T – The World’s Hottest Chile Pepper Coverage
– Trinidad Scorpion Butch T / Verified Hottest?
– Interview with Butch Taylor
– Trinidad Scorpion Official Guinness World Records Holder at 1,463,700 SHU
– Butch T it’s now official…Guinness official!!
– The Trail Of the Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” Strain

Lastly here’s a link to another post here at the ThePepperSeed, The Hottest Peppers in the World. While not specially about the ButchT TS it is mentioned in the list and there are links and other related info in the comments section.

107 thoughts on “The World’s Hottest Chilli Pepper – Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

  1. Jim Duffy

    You can get both Moruga and Butch T strain Scorpion seeds from my website Also peppers like Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah, Trinidad Douglah and Trinidad Yellow 7 Pot. Not as hot as Butch T but close!

    1. stevo the great

      Me and my girl just drove out to pick up some plants from Jim. We got the Bhut Jolokia red & chocolate, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Butch T, Chocolate Habenero and Peter Pepper red. He had quite the amazing selection. All healthy beautiful plants. We are very pleased with Jims plants and will be returning in the future. Thanks Jim your the pepper master!

    2. james


      THANKS chillihead james

  2. pepperseed Post author

    Thanks Jim. I added your link to the post.

    It looks like the same store as the link. Is that also your store / is there some kind of affiliation?

    1. Jim Duffy

      Yes that is my webstore that is attached to my site. It is a heck of a lot better than having a shopping cart embedded in my site. If you know anyone that wants a shopping cart system without having a shopping cart this company Auctiva is awesome. I only pay $9.95 a month plus fees on my sales which are super low and they also promote me on the web. Now they are having a no fee pricing. I think it’s $29.95 a month for a 625 Item store and that’s it no matter how much you sell. If anyone wants help on using this E Commerce store I would be happy to help them out.

  3. Jim Duffy

    Oh one more thing. I know people can go directly to my store. But I would rather they see my site so they can learn more about each variety by seeing information and lots of photos. This gives them an education on each variety. To me an educated consumer is a better consumer. In other words I am not out for the quick sale. But want to share all I know about the many varieties I grow. Will have plants in mid-April too.

  4. George

    does anyone know where you can buy scorpion butcht plants and have them shipped?

    1. james

      hi i have genuine scorpion chilli plants either in 10cm or plugs

      many thanks chillihead james

  5. ChiliPlants

    You can order trinidad scorpion plants from

  6. pepperseed Post author

    Alan, not sure when/if guiness will recognize it.

    Freddy, might be tough to get any fresh ones right now…you can use the links in the poast to find places that sell the seeds. If they have the seeds they may have fresh or dried pods or powders made from the Butch T.

  7. pepperseed Post author

    Looks like you can get butch t plants here –

  8. Neil

    Great Stuff..

    still say as always Have “The ButchT Scorp is the Hottest thing ive Ever Tried”

    Can Prove it now 🙂

    Be Excellent

    1. Steve

      Well I can truly say that the butch t scorpion pepper is the hottest pepper I have ever eaten and I love hot peppers but this butch t scorpion pepper is very ferocious.

  9. pepperseed Post author

    Thank you Neil and congratulations on helping get the Butch T recognized.

  10. Robert Stauble

    I am from Trinidad and I grow peppers as a hobby. My favorite is the Scorpion pepper .
    I have seen all the you tube clips of people eating the Aussie version which does actually look like the real deal. But let me tell you if someone put a whole one of my scorpions in their mouth and chewed on it he would probably die (no joking) I have seen foreign visitors who think they can eat hot peppers try my scorpions and beg for medical help.
    The difference I see in the Aussie pepper is that the skin is smoother than the true scorpion which is very bumpy.
    I woud like to get some of my seeds to these guys so that they can really start the propagation of the real Trinidad Scorpion pepper.
    I have also cross polinated the scorpion with a ordinary Scotch bonnet ( Habenero) pepper resulting in a absolutely beautiful mix of flavor and heat.
    I am just a hobby grower and only pleased to share with other pepper enthusiast
    Welcome anyb feed back

    1. Sal Genusa

      I would love to have a few seeds, I am from Louisiana U S A , people here never get enough hot pepper. Maybe these could light them up. Please let me know how to get some of your seeds.

    2. Wildfire Chilli

      Hi Robert
      I grow a few different strains of Trinidad Scorpions and would love to add yours to my list to compare. Let me know how to contact you and if you are able to provide any. Thanks, Candice.

    3. Vishan Dev

      Hi Robert, I’m from Trinidad too (Claxton Bay) and I would really like to get some Trinidad Scorpion seeds. Probably do some experimenting of my own with cross pollination from 7-pot, chocolate etc. But my real goal is to grow some pure Trinidad scorpions to see what kind of pepper sauce they would make. I’d like to get into contact with you to acquire some of those seeds asap. Thanks.

    4. femmy

      email me if you have trinidad scorpion ,7 pod/trinidad 7, bhut jolokia dry pods or seeds for sale at reasonable price.I want to try to grow them in Indonesia. payment with paypal.thank you

    5. Luis E Montilla

      Hi Robert, I’m from Venezuela and grow chili peppers as a hobby too. Once I bought a Bhut Jolokia 12 seed package from The Chile Pepper Institute, NMSU.
      Unfortunately only three of the seeds became seedlings, but some how died out later… Do you have any tips you could share with me on how to make the bed for seeds and how to water them? I wonder how I could get some of your Trinidad Scorpion chili seeds…
      Gracias y saludos

    6. jade

      Hey Robert, I’m from Trinidad as well and would like to know where I can obtain some plants/ seeds…..Thanks

    7. newton charles

      hi robert i am from trinidad also and im interested in growing this for commercial purposes in trinidad what do you think about that idea

    8. Keith Knox

      What Robert Stauble says is true!! .. the only thing close to the heat of a Scorpion is Halle Berry.

    9. chris

      Hi Robert ,
      My boyfriend asked me to email you , he is trying to get his hands on a Trinidad Scorpin plant , he loves hot things and really wants to try the real thing not the aussie version . Could you please help me with this ?

      Thanks ,

      1. mike burch

        try calling Penny’s tomatoes and Pepper Joe….Pepper Joe has a full line of the world’s hottest peppers…just goggle him good luck…Mike b

    10. arlindo oliveira monteiro

      Dear Robert
      I want to by you Trinidad Scorpion seeds
      It is possible?
      I am portuguese leaving in Portugal
      best regards
      arlindo monteiro

    11. David Boos

      Hi Robert

      I am from Trinidad but now live in Venezuela. I too grow peppers as a hobby on my cattle ranch. I am very interested in the cross you speak off(Scorpion/Scotch bonnet) and will love to get a few seeds to try. If the results do produce a milder but more flavoufull pepper it would make me happy. as I dont see the point in producing a pepper so hot it can not be enojoyed. I look forward to hearing from you

    12. Michael Sampson

      Hi Robert,

      I would like to grow a few of these peppers for my garden. Especially the cross that you speak of.

      Best regards,

  11. Noel

    Is there anywhere online where I can buy just “one” butch t Trinidad scorpion chili pepper plant?


  12. pepperseed Post author

    Robert, thanks for stopping b y and thanks for the comment. The Butch T scorps are the real deal – all the people eating them in the videos posted here are what I would call professional hot pepper eaters:-) They have all made multiple videos and sampled a number of the world’s hottest peppers. These are not people that would consider jalapenos as a “hot pepper” 🙂 I would love to grow your scorpions though…any chance I could get some seeds?

    Noel, not that I have been able to find. It’s getting to be that time of year though when lots of people will be planting out. You could try looking on sites like Craigslist or maybe posting in the marketplace section of and see if anyone has one for sale. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. TriniGirl

    It’s funny these plants grow all over the place in Trinidad, you guys should try peppersauce village, I send the homemade peppersauce with my mom when she comes to visit and when her friends in the US try it. It burns when it goes in and when it comes out, that’s what I’ven been told. So beware and make sure you have some milk and rice near if it’s your first time

  14. Wildfire Chilli

    I’m in Australia and will have Trinidad Scorpion plants available again next season along with Bhut Jolokia and a few others. In the mean time seeds are still available.

    1. pepperseed Post author

      Hi, are the scorpions on your site the butch t variety? If so I’ll update the list in the original post to include you. Thanks!

  15. Thomas Dixon

    does anybody have any freezedried or oven roasted scorpions for sale

  16. eddie c

    thanks ya’ll. after all this info i have ordered a bunch of these seeds. thought i could eat about ant pepper in the world but these little suckers are the BOMB. can’t wait to grow my own. (boy do i have a surprise for my brother in law)

  17. Dakota

    Does anyone know if there is a commercial source for dried, ground, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T peppers?

  18. Kimihia Simpson

    congdulations guys on ur chillies… Just added you to my likes on FB…. keep up the good work…

  19. larry smith

    I’m worried that my butch t’s won’t have time to mature. They are two and a half inches wide and still very much green. If worse comes to worse, is there any reason why I could not dry them while they are not completely ripe? I hate to lose them due to the fact I did not plant them soon enough.Any suggested use for dry Butch T’s would be appreciated.

  20. pepperseed Post author

    Larry if the plants are in pots you could always bring them inside and let them ripen there if it gets too cold. What part of the country do you live in? I think dried unripened Butch T’s wouldn’t be good for much…probably light on the heat and “green” tasting.

    1. larry smith

      I live in Maryland. I have tons of peppers on the 4 plants but they are all green. What special lighting would I need to grow them inside? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have lots of habaneros that are ripe and a couple of the habaneros actually look like butch t’s. Could they have cross bred on their own?

      1. pepperseed Post author

        Do you have any pictures of the plants? If they are close to rip you should just be able to set them by window/patio door and let them ripen. All depends on how close they are to being rip right now.

  21. Amanda

    Hi there,

    I’m a beginner and has interest to grow chillies from around the world. Just wondering if you know where to get Indonesian chillies (e.g. Cabe Rawit).

  22. pepperseed Post author

    Hey Amanda, check here:

  23. J.D.

    Hay people!, I recently tried these and have found thick juicey cucumbers will counter the heat, though I was still deciding wether or not to go to the hospital =O

  24. sandro filizzola perira

    gosTrinidad Scorpion Butch Taylor”taria de saber como fazer para conseguir algumas destas sementes da pimenta

  25. albuu

    cant seem to find anyone who has info on what kind of nutes to feed these guys, temperature for growing, ect. im growing indoors and can control heat and humidity.

  26. Ian Gomes

    Bigs (Nigel) gave me some seeds from you and i recently got some. I have about 20 scorpion seedlings and two Bhuts coming. What you said is true. Any human trying to eat a whole one WILL end up in hospital and will have to be on life support. i also like hot perrpers and grow them as a hobby but not as many as you. (so bigs says). Any way thanks for giving bigs the seeds for me.

  27. Preston

    Hi, I’m currently growing my Butch T peppers, of the 12 seeds I planted only 1 grew in solid. That being said its rough 15-18 inches tall, I’m currently growing it inside, with artificial light since setting it by a window in January in northern Michigan probably isn’t good for it. However, the bottom few leaves are falling off, is that normal? Any other growing tips would be greatly appreciated!

  28. jbraincis

    I am most curious about this chilli, I’m in S.A. and my own cooking specialities are hindu curries, I beleive I can whip up a sauce or curry with this beastie that may double the fire-power, and cook up a simple effective rapid antidote as a follow up, but that’s my culinary secret for now!
    Spices are extremely versatile when you know how to use & combine them.

  29. pepperseed Post author


    Yea that’s totally normal, don’t worry about it.

    jbraincis…I hear ya’. Pretty much everything I ever cook has some HEAT included 🙂

    1. jbraincis

      One simple secret to relief from the burn is a basic Kachoomer; a while back I made some potato curry with a few Thai green chillies & a whole bunch of other spices, my wife couldn’t finish hers, she said it was the hottest ever, so I took the rest to work the following day, cooked it for 8 minutes in the microwave and gave half to a colleague, by then it was only half as potent as the day before, but my friend has experience with Habaneros, he said it was the hottest he has ever tasted & asked me for the secret.
      He sweated for a full half hour though, before the neutraliser kicked in.

  30. Ian Gomes

    Sorry pepperseed. That comment was directed to Robert Stauble. See comment above dd. 4/15/11. That’s where i got my scorpion seeds. Again my apologies.

    1. pepperseed Post author

      ebay is the worst place possible to buy pepper products. Only an idiot would suggest that.

  31. John

    I bought some Tridad Scorpian Butch T seeds off Ebay so I hope. Is there any way to kind of distinquish from a seedling if they are Butch Ts. Out of 10 seeds 8 are growing, but 5 of them look different from the other 3 seedlings. And if I am growing other hot pepper plants near them will they cross polinate and mess things up. In the future I will be more carefull as where to order seeds. I am in south Florida growing plants outside.


    1. pepperseed Post author

      Hi John,

      No, there’s no way to tell what kind of pepper you’re growing when it’s just a seedling. Odds are until it actually sets fruit you won’t know if it’s a Butch T.

  32. Darren

    The Trinidad Scorpion Butch T is a different pepper to the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion.
    The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is the worlds hottest chili now.
    the previous hottest was the Naga Bhut Jolokia pepper.
    I’m not sure where the Butch T ranks now.
    Unless I have misunderstood the title of this post?

  33. BarryBertolet

    Can I grow just one moruga pepper of must I do at least two for polination? I am growing indoors (northeast us). How do you polinate them if they are not self polinating? Thanks

  34. mike burch

    pepper joes has thr butch t trinidad scorpion,.naga morich,7 pod/7pot.trinidad scorpion,ghost pepper ( bhut jolokia ),giant ghost pepper (bhut jolokia ),yellow bhut jolokia,as well as habanero varieties.check him out at http://www.Pepper thr butch tested out at 1,450,000 Scovial units…a NEW WORLD RECORD ACCORDING TO Guinness Book of worlds Records

    1. pepperseed Post author

      Hey Mike, the moruga record (although not yet confirmed by guinness) is the new one, the Butch T is the record that got beat.


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