How and When to Water Pepper Plants

One of the most common problems people have while growing peppers is over watering. Pepper plants need a lot less water than people think and regardless of whether the pepper plant is growing in a pot, raised bed or directly in the ground too much water is one of the worst things you can do to your plants. Over watering can stunt growth, washes away nutrients and invites pests and disease.

If you are growing your peppers in pots you will need to water much more frequently than if you were growing them in the ground. As a general rule you should water when the plants are wilting, but, make sure it’s not just due to excessive heat. When it’s very hot…say 95 degrees+ pepper plants in the direct sun may wilt during the day. This is normal and is just the plants way of reducing the surface area exposed to the sun to help keep it cool. When I grow in pots before I water I like to see some non sun related wilt and I check the pot to make sure it’s bone dry. Often while growing peppers in pots the top of the soil is dry but the bottom is mud. This can happen very easily especially if the pot does not have great drainage. If the pot is completely dry and there’s a little non sun related wilt (best time to check is earlier in the morning or in the evening when the plants are not in direct sun) I give each pot a good soaking. I like to see just a little bit of water coming out of the bottom. Too much and you just wash out your nutrients so soak them but not to excess.

If your pepper plants are growing in raised beds or in the ground a lot of the same rules apply. The main difference is you will find that you need to water much less frequently than when growing in pots. It’s not unusual for me to water my plants in pots every day – sometimes even twice – vs my plants in raised beds that can at times go for weeks in a row without water. When watering my plants in ground/beds I give them a long soaking to really get the soil 6+ inches deep really wet. Infrequent deep watering encourages deep roots which leads to plants that can go longer without water.

If you have any questions or comments about watering peppers feel free to leave them below.

This entry was posted in Growing Peppers and tagged growing peppers, watering pepper plants on by .

331 thoughts on “How and When to Water Pepper Plants

    1. pepperseed

      @jazun – I think too much water / over watering is one of the most issues I see people running into when they are growing peppers. I try and never water them until they are actually wilting. Sometimes in the summer it can be weeks in between watering even if there’s no rain. I’m always surprised how long peppers can go without water…they are like the camel of the pepper world! Hope you stopped over watering your plants soon enough that they didn’t get “sick”, good luck with your grow!

      1. Twitch

        Thank you so much for these tips, and I really appreciate the comment you left where you said “Sometimes in the summer it can be weeks in between watering…”.
        I had no idea! I thought I was doing something wrong haha…I am very new to growing plants, and I figured pepper plants needed to be watered MUCH more frequently!

        Now I know, so thank you!!

          1. Yijie

            Ummm just wondering when do you water the plant morning evening night I don’t know can anybody help by the way tell me about chili peppers not peppers but if you don’t know tell me about peppers I think they are still the same

            1. pepperseed Post author

              I tend to water peppers in the morning. Night’s fine too I suppose.

      2. JSamms

        I am getting close to putting my pepper plants in ground. Wouldn’t the rain take care of the watering? Actually, wouldn’t the rain cause overwatering? My first time growing. Thank you.

        1. pepperseed

          Just make sure there’s goo drainage where you’re planting and unless there’s a flood you wont have to worry about over watering from the rain.

      3. Caile

        I have a small pepper plant in a hanging pot. I live in a condo with a covered deck.. Not much sun for my little plant. I could put it on the corner of my balcony but I’m afraid that the coastal winds will blow it away.. Any suggestions?

        1. Jigger

          Hello Caile,
          Find a way to get your pepper plant, at least, a few hours of direct sunlight. If need be, I would transplant the little guy in a bigger pot and anchor it down or put pebble or river rock in the bottom of the pot, to get it direct sunlight.

          1. Paulson joseph

            I was really overwatering my seasoning peppers,,so i can water every two days??

            1. ALOLE KOKU ADZADO

              Please do not jet water your farm every 2 days because you decide to do so. You can take into consideration your location and the types of irrigation you practse. Thank you.

        2. Landon

          Pepper plants need around six hrs of DEEP sun. DEEP sun means the hottest hrs of the day….they r HOT veg 4 a reason. Make use of your sourroundings, u obviously care, luv the seed u plant. They r fickle beasts…remember, peppers grow best in arid area’s

      4. Carlos

        Hi Pepperseed. Nice info. No wonder I killed 2 of my plants. Summer is coming and it gets really hot between 100 and 115 degrees in my city. Do I need some kind of screen to protect my plants? Some straw on the ground to prevent cooking the roots? I hope you could answer this please. Thank you

        1. pepperseed

          @Carlos some mulch or straw will definitely help. Your plants will still probably wilt during the day with those Temps but that’s normal and nothing to worry about.

          1. Carlos

            Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will definitely throw some straw and won’t be worry about the sun anymore. Thanks again

            1. pepperseed Post author

              @carlos if you have those Temps for am extended period of time adding something that provides a few hours of shade won’t hurt either. Good luck and happy pepper growing!

          2. Irving Tlumak

            I have bell peppers planted in wiskey barrels.I water them three times a week with stremers for 5 min. . the bells come up fine ,but the look burnt out.What am i doing wrong?Thank you

            1. pepperseed Post author

              @Irving howa are you fertilizing them? Could be too much or or to little

    2. Nathan

      What about brand new seedlings with only one set of leaves? should the soil still be wet as through germination? I had no problems getting the seeds to sprout, but not they are all wilting on me and some in a matter of hours from being healthy looking. They have been in the sun, but it’s still cool although I live in Spain, and I’ve been trying to water them as often as they look like they need it, but recently they’ve started to all look a bit sad and just in one day 3 of my ten all wilted down and I tried to water them to bring them back and I’m not sure that’s the correct thing to do or not… Can you help with more specific details of dos and donts for seedlings please? Help from anyone really. Thanks

      1. Jigger

        Hello Nathan,
        I myself, start my seedlings indoors. From my experience, I have learned to put my new sprouts under artificial lighting, within a few inches. My first year or two of growing, my new seedlings were starting to fall over. I learned that I had the light too far away. The seedlings were stretching to get to the light, they were going too tall too fast, so I had to lower the lights, closer to the plants. I never used direct sunlight until a week before I plant outdoors.
        As far as watering, when they are very young seedlings, I like to keep the soil moist. As the plant matures, it will be able to go longer between waterings.

    3. Adi

      Hey, thanks for the tip! I have a question as a first time pepper grower. I’ve come to the flower stagw. It seems like they open, but not fully and then starts to dry. Is that normal? Am I doing somwthing wrong? Thanks!

      1. pepperseed Post author

        @adi flower drop is pretty common. I wouldn’t worry about it. When the conditions are right peppers will form.

  1. Tylermc94

    My pepers are growing fine but I think I might be overwatering them. The leaves are turning brown on the tips and then they eventually fall off. Is that because Im overwatering them?


    1. pepperseed Post author

      Could be. If your peppers are in pots make sure the soil is dry at least 3 – 4 inches deep and that water is not sitting in the bottom of the pot and turning the soil to mush. Wilting plants is a good sign to water too. If outside I would just wait until they are wilting before watering. Just make sure they are wilting from drought and not from other reasons like:

    2. kyle444

      the tips on my reapers are brown too. but they seem to b growing still . no leaves had fallen off jus brown tips


      It may not be the only cause. How sanny is your province? If your plant need water you may know it by visiting your farm. Do not be discourraged please.

  2. Dave

    I have Jalapenos and Serrano peppers growing in pots on my south facing balcony. Here in Colorado we usually get a bunch of sun and very little rain and I usually water them about twice a day. However this May has been very wet and rainy. Last evening I water them as the sun was setting only to wake up this morning to a torrential rain fall. I decided to pull the peppers inside against the window in case the sun peaks its head out. Was this the right move? Or am I over thinking over-watering?

    1. pepperseed

      Hi Dave, It really comes down to consistency. If your pepper plants are consistently over watered for weeks in a row you’re inviting trouble. The occasional heavy 1 – 3 day soaking won’t hurt anything. Since your plants are in pots outside make sure they have great drainage and you can just leave them out in the rain. They will dry out fast enough when the rain is done and you shouldn’t have any issues.

  3. Joe

    I bought some Jolokia seed peppers, planted them in and 18-egg egg tray. 3 sprouted and grew about 1 1/2 inches. I figured it was time to plant them in something bigger. When moving them I found 2 of them had their roots touching the carton and growing into it. I moved all 3 to a plastic gallon milk carton with the top cut off, gave them some water, and covered the top of the pot with saran wrap (with many small holes). I leave them on a south facing window all day and am noticing them begin to wilt. I poured some water out today, but was also thinking that the recent hot weather here in Sonoma County might be the cause. Can you find anything wrong with what I’ve done so far and how I might improve?


    1. pepperseed

      Hi Joe,

      Sounds like a classic case of too much water/humidity. You don’t need to cover the top of the carton with anything, that will trap heat and moisture and invite disease. You said you poured some water out…if there’s enough water to pour out there’s way too much water 🙂

      I would take off the cover, make sure the carton has sufficient drainage (cut holes in the bottom) and only water the plants when the soil is completely dried out. Its hard to kill a pepper from lack of water but very easy to kill a pepper plat with too much water. Good luck and let us know how your plants turn out!

  4. Matt

    I have 5 different types of hot peppers (super chili, jalapeño, Caribbean red hot, a Mexican hot mix and a Portuguese hot mix) growing in 4 inch pots under a light set up with 16 hours of light a day. They are growing in a soil-less mix and I have fertilized (what I consider lightly) with a 10-52-10 seed starter fertilizer. I rotate plants weekly and water almost everyday. They are about a month old now and I have been noticing that some leaves on some plants are becoming droopy and starting to curl. Also some lower leaves are purple or starting to brown. Is this from over watering or not fertilizing correctly? How do I correct and have I done any permanent damage.?

    1. pepperseed Post author

      Hi Matt, you’re likely over watering and/or fertilizing. Cut back on both and should bounce back pretty quick.

  5. troy

    First time pepper grower, I have sweet banana, Serrano, habeñero, and jalepeño pepper seed….I was wondering which is better in my area (upper peninsula of Michigan) soil germination or the wet paper towel method? Either way, I have to get them in soil withing the next 2 wks at the latest.

    1. pepperseed

      Hi Troy, I would just use the soil method. I actually recently relocated to Duluth MN so we’re in a similar climate / growing season and am using the soil method. Good luck with this year’s grow!

  6. joey

    My pepper leafs are folding a bit, does this mean I am over watering or under watering? I have a drip system in the ground and I have it running for an hour every 2 days (2 gph) I also live in so calif. so it is warm and sunny. Any ideas?

    1. pepperseed

      Could be. Even with a drip they likely don’t need water every other day. I only water when the soil is bone dry and the plants are starting to wilt.

  7. Montrell Coley

    Two quick questions how long do I need to leave my new plants in the grow pod b4 tranplanting them into larger pots? And I just bought a plant already started and it was mailed. The leaves are hanging and the stem has bent over is this a simple water and light fix?

    1. pepperseed

      @Montrell how big are the grow pods? I “pot up” once roots start forming and things get root bound.

      Yes, the bought plant that was shipped to you probably just needs a few days of light and water to get back to normal. Shipping is hard on them!

    1. Montrell Coley

      I meant to say the grow pods are small and the plants are just now starting to grow their third set of leaves

  8. Russell Williams

    Hello all!! Im growing a trinidad scorpion and over the last week all the leaves are falling off, ive had it about a year now, never had any chillies from it as it flowers and then it loses them too, what am i doing wrong?

      1. Russell Williams

        Yes, then outside when the suns out, i dont water until the leaves wilt,

      2. Russell Williams

        Well theres not alot of sun at the moment, but when it is sunny its out for as long as possible.
        No pests as checked today and going to change all the soil tomorrow, i use a tomato plant food once every two weeks, only a dribble as want it to be as wild as possible,

        1. pepperseed

          My favorite list of potential reasons for pepper flower drop. I would check these items and maybe try adjusting them one at a time to see if you can identify the problem. Peppers in pots can be finicky!

          Flower drop probable causes:
          1. Day temp too high >95F
          2. Night temp too low 3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
          4. Too much water
          5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
          6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
          7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
          8. Lack of pollinating insects.
          9. Size of pot
          10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
          11. Too much grower attention.

          1. Mat Rose

            You’re the man @pepperseed, without asking a single question all of my questions and concerns have been answered regarding my peppers. Reading this thread, I feel as if I have to plead guilty to #11 – too much grower attention. Thanks for the advise and the information dump. It is greatly appreciated!

      3. Russell Williams

        Ok will check it in the morning, thank you very much for your advice, very helpfull!!
        Thanks again, russell.

      4. Jim

        Hi Russell, I live in billings montana I have 30 trinidads,30 Carolina reapers, and 30 habs. They are new plants every year. I start inside seeds in Feb. Some plants I transplanted yesterday are 2″ long or less, all these plants are facing east against my house so they only get half-a-day sun, that’s it. My yield every year is out standing. The trick I figured is after the season is over, I over dose the soil with calcium,any form. Then the following season treat your superhots like any other vegie because your soil is established, you can’t establish soil during growing season, that’s a wish that will never happen. So If your luck is rough this year start your soil establishment early for next year, then get back with me with your results. GOODLUCK! Russell.

  9. pepperseed

    Probably not a watering issue then. Could be any number of things, pests, disease, temperatures, etc. A year without pods is a long time. Is it getting much sun and how is being fertilized?

    1. Montrell Coley

      I planted my reaper about 2 weeks ago its not dieing but some of the leaves are turning yellow and falling off and some look a little burnt….I was told I was watering to much so I think I will be not watering for about 4 days. Will this help get the dark green back?

      1. pepperseed

        Yes that should help. Sometimes after a transplant it takes them a couple weeks to settle in too…transplanting is a shock the the system!

  10. Terese

    2 weeks ago I transplanted my peppers and tomatoes to my garden (after hardening them outside for 2 weeks). The plants were all very healthy at the time. When transplanting I mulched around each plant in the raised beds. I have drip watering system timed to water each morning for 45 minutes. Plants did well for first week and a half. I checked them 2 days ago – all good. Went to check them this morning and they all were completely wilted…and virtually DISINTEGRATED, except for two jalapeño plants. I had cayennes, banana peppers, bell peppers and jalapeños. I checked the soil and it was very moist. Any thoughts as to why this happened?

    1. pepperseed

      45 minutes a day of watering for peppers is waaaaaaaaaay too much. I’m fairly certain your plants drowned.

  11. Montrell Coley

    I wish I could post a picture of my carolina reaper its still green around the bottom but the leaves going upthe stem and on the llittle branches are almost all gone or yellow. ..what can I do or is it too late?

    1. pepperseed Post author

      You can pick it, it will ripen after it’s picked. You can leave it too…either way it should ripen. I’d leave it a few more days unless you have weather concerns or something else.

      1. Montrell Coley

        I was thinking about buying a whole new set of seeds and starting over. Can I start the seeds outside in the ground or do I have to start in pods?

        1. pepperseed Post author

          Typically you would want to get them going inside…much easier that way in my experience.

          1. Montrell Coley

            I posted abot my leaves falling of and yellowing I haven’t watered them in about 7 days . I went ououtside ttoday and saw alot of gregreen around to bottom. Now it’s storming so I guess I won’t be watering it for another week or so

          2. Montrell Coley

            I posted abot my leaves falling of and yellowing I haven’t watered them in about 7 days . I went outside today and saw alot of green around to bottom. Now it’s storming so I guess I won’t be watering it for another week or so

  12. lisa stossmeister

    Hi! I live in Alaska and have been doing a greenhouse/garden for years! BUT!!!! This year, I am growing Hungarian Hot Wax peppers and they keep losing their buds/flowers! I should have tons by now…HELP!!!! :/ Lisa Stossmeister

    1. pepperseed

      @ Lisa, flower drop is not unusual…they will “stick” when the conditions are right. Most of my plants typically drop flowers for a few weeks before peppers start forming.

  13. Pepper T Sherwood

    Great Information Thanks , I will pass this on to my group on Facebook “Pepper T Sherwood & Chili Heads..

  14. Montrell Coley

    Mostly all of my leaves have fallen off the top of my reaper plant but the bottom has bushed out and is growing great. Do I need to cut the top ( the V and the stem ) off or will it grow the leaves back?

    1. pepperseed

      Either way the plant will be fine…it’s really just a matter of preference.

  15. Cindy

    I have banana peppers, cherry peppers, and jalapenos panted in a small garden in front of my house. They get plenty of sun every day. All of the plants were looking very healthy and producing LOTS of blooms with a few peppers growing. We have had a lot of rain here in OK lately. In the last 2-3 days, I have noticed a LOT of leaves and blooms on the ground under the plants. No holes in the leaves like grasshoppers eating them; just seem to have fallen off. I have sprayed with soapy water to fend off the grasshoppers. I have a ton of baby ones in the yard. Not any yellowing going on. Have they just had too much water? If so, will they come back. They were doing so well!! Could it be lack of fertilizer? Any information you can share would be great.

    1. pepperseed

      Flower drop is totally normal, I would not worry about it. They’ll bounce back and you’ll have more peppers than you know what to do with before you know it.

    1. pepperseed

      Depends on the kind of pepper but in general you’ll start seeing little pods forming in 2 – 3 weeks after flower set.

  16. Montrell Coley

    I planted my Reaper outside after the season is over what do I do with the plant?

        1. pepperseed Post author

          You could but I’ve often found bringing outdoor plants inside more hassle than it’s worth. You’ll bring in the pests and in my experience won’t get many more pepper than if you just started a new outdoor plant next season.

            1. pepperseed Post author

              That’s what I always do. Or just chop it and leave the roots in the ground, they will break down and provide nutrients for future grows.

  17. Dude

    Hey 🙂

    I have a pepper plant and one of the branches has 2 little peppers growing. The problem is that it fell and that particular branch broke, but not completely. There’s a bit of tissue still holding it together. What do you think I should do with that branch?

    Thank you.

    1. pepperseed Post author

      Go ahead and break it off, the plant will focus on growth elsewhere.

  18. Maria Elena Figueroa

    I overwater way too much my chillis. What can I do to rescue them? Please help

      1. Jay

        I have a (white) bhut jolokia plant and I think overwatered them and started having fungus. Will fungus kill the plants? Or any tips to get rid of them? The most important question is will the fungus KILL the plants? Or do they still live?

  19. Jezebel

    Hi Pepperseed,

    Thank you for such a helpful article. I have a sweet pepper plant and I had a feeling my fiance, who is really trying to help around the house, was over watering it and now I know that probably is the case.

    The leaves are wilting and falling off, the peppers which are only just beginning to turn red are already wrinkling at the stem.

    They’re in a pot in a south facing window and it is hot (for Wales) right now – around 29°C or 84°F. So, if I’ve understood you correctly I only need to water my peppers when the soil feels dry and I can even let it go weeks without. This is what I instinctively would have done, but at least I can now go to my well meaning fiance and tactfully tell him ‘I told you so’.

    Thanks again 🙂

  20. Joe

    I have a bhut jolokia that is planted in a five gallon bucket. The plant has been very healthy and grow tall with very green leaves. It seems that as soon as peppers started putting on, I started having trouble with individual leaves turning yellow, one by one, and falling off. Right now there are about 20 pods on the plant. I tried watering less, but the leaves wilt almost daily and it really seems that the plant needs the water (it is wilted in the evening and plant perks up about an hour after watering). Now at least 4 leaves fall off each day and the problem seems to be getting worse. Leaves start out turning slightly green and the next day they appear to be marbled with yellow. Eventually, the leaf is completely yellow and it falls off. I use miracle grow about every 2 weeks (15-30-15). The plant gets about 11 hours of sun daily. I am at a complete loss here and I’m going run out of leaves eventually. Any help you can give me would really be appreciated. Thank you.

    1. matt

      I think your plant may be root bound. Check to see if there are roots poking out the drainage holes and try transplanting to a bigger pot if thats the problem

        1. pepperseed

          Peppers tend to naturally wilt in the evenings especially after it’s been really hot outside. They will perk back up in the morning. I suspect you’re over watering…ignore the wilting in the evening once and see if by the next day it looks “normal” again. I’ve never, in pots or in the ground, had to water daily. It’s almost always “too much”.

            1. pepperseed

              You may want to swap out the soil too and back off on the MG a touch. Sometimes when a plant gets in a funk a new batch of soil helps get things back in line.

              Do you have a drainage holes in the 5 gallon bucket and if yes are they big? Drainage in pots for peppers is really important.

              1. Joe

                I tried not watering and the plant was still super wilted this morning. The drainage holes are about 1/4 inch holes all the way around the bottom. I placed gravel at the bottom so that they would not get clogged. How do I swap out the soil and back off of the mg?

                1. pepperseed

                  Is the soil bone dry?

                  When I replace the soil i just pull out the plant + root ball, knock off the old soil and put back in the bucket with new soil.

                  1. Joe

                    The soil is pretty darn dry. I have a steak that goes to the bottom and when I pull it out it is completely dry. I did notice when I replaced the steak that the soil was very compacted. I think it would be difficult to transplant with the plant being so large. I’m afraid I’ll risk the peppers on the plant. For as much trouble as the plant seems to be in, I do have about 25 peppers at this point. Maybe I am watering with too much water at one time? Any suggestions on the qty of water per watering for my setup? Just curious if you know how long it takes bhuts to ripen? They have been as green as cucumbers for 2 weeks now.

                  2. Joe

                    The soil is pretty darn dry. I have a steak that goes to the bottom and when I pull it out it is completely dry. I did notice when I replaced the steak that the soil was very compacted. I think it would be difficult to transplant with the plant being so large. I’m afraid I’ll risk the peppers on the plant. Any suggestions on the qty of water per watering for my setup? Just curious if you know how long it takes bhuts to ripen? They have been as green as cucumbers for 2 weeks now.

    2. pepperseed

      @ Joe they can take 3 – 4 weeks to ripen depending on conditions. Watering may not be issue, it’s tough to tell without having seen everything first hand. Could be too much or too little nutrients, compacted soil, etc. I have noticed on my plants that when they start to put on peppers leaves tend to start falling. By the end of the season most of the original leaves are gone. If you’re close to the end of the season / the plants life as long as the peppers are developing and ripening I wouldn’t worry too much about the leaves.

      1. Joe

        Thank you for all of your help. I really appreciate all of the advice. I think I can ride this one out and get plenty of ripe peppers out of this one. I had hoped to overwinter the plant but I think I’ll just start fresh next year.

  21. Dennis

    Here in Tucson it hovers around 100 and my poor pepper plants are wilting all day long. I have been watering every other day, it seems counter intuitive to contemplate that this is too much, but perhaps it is and I should just ignore the wilting?

    1. pepperseed

      Hi Dennis, daytime wilting it hot temps with peppers it completely normal and does not always indicate the need for water. Are your plants in the ground or in pots? If in the ground I’d say cut back on the water if in pots I would water when its bone dry.

  22. Alex

    Is it a good idea to plant peppers in 5 gallon buckets using soil not meant for pots? If not, why not??

    1. pepperseed

      Not really. Soil not meant for pots can get really compacted which repels water and can constrict root growth.

    1. pepperseed

      You can leave it sitting in the sun, perhaps in a window if it’s cold where you’re at or just outside if not. Sometimes they will ripen other times they won’t. Good luck!

  23. Montrell Coley

    I’d like to take the time to say thank you for all of your help. My plant is great, it has peppers everywhere and still pops more and more everyday. I wouldn’t have ever been able to make it with your help. Again thank you.

  24. ryan

    I’ve watered my pepper plants I believe too much, now the leaves are flimsy and droopy. Will my plants live or die? There planted in the ground and get a lot of sunlight. I was thinking that the leaves would dry out in the sunlight and be okay in a couple of days

    1. pepperseed Post author

      Let em’ dry out and they’ll be fine. In ground peppers are much more resilient than potted ones.

    1. pepperseed Post author

      I have a G+ community you could post them in:

      or you can email them to me,

  25. David Meeks

    Sir mine is not a reply but a question. Having purchased two plants at a nursery in Spartanburg S.C. I decided to put then in large pots to have the benefit of growing and hopefully producing peppers year round. The plants both look good and healthy about 2 ft. tall now and producing lots of fruit. But my problem is that with full size peppers they are still bright green. They all have that evil look and tail which reminds of what a dragon turd would look like but all the pictures I have seen the ripe peppers are bright red. So I was wondering at what point mine are supposed to turn red. Any in-fo would helpful. Thank-You I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. pepperseed

      It can take 4 – 6 weeks for green pods to ripen…once it starts you won’t be able to slow it down 🙂 Good luck!

  26. Lisa

    thanks its realy helped me especially sinced im growing capsicum, now ill no how much to water.

  27. Spidey

    Hi, I am growing carolina reaper seeds and have four seedlings up to an inch high. All have stopped “growing” and have started to go yellow, and leaves drop. I am in Australia. The plants are outside but are under a pergola. They are in plastic cups with drainage in the bottom. Any ideas or advice?

  28. Jenny

    Howdy would over watering cause my hot banana peppers not to be as hot in taste. The first lot of peppers were good but since then they are very mild

    1. pepperseed

      Probably not, could be a number of things even the seed stock. Banana peppers are normally pretty mild.

  29. Diego

    Hi pepperseed! I live in a very hot part of the planet, our temperatures get up to 110 ºF on summer. Should i still water them only once a week?

    1. pepperseed

      @ Diego, I would water them when the dirt is totally dry, they should start to wilt a little. Heat can do that sometimes too. Better to slightly under water them than it is to over water them.

      If it’s 110 for an extended period a little shade might not be a bad idea. Good luck!

  30. Jigger

    Hello Peppersee,

    New here.
    My 2nd year of growing from my own seeds. I am growing: Ghost, 7Pot, Viper, Scorpion, Reaper, and a mystery pepper that was labelled; Bhutlah

    I am having roughly the same production, so far, as last year, except that I fried a few of my very young seedlings, with my lights of 10,000 lumens, this year. So I backed the lights off two inches and it seems to be doing better. I still seem to have to water every morning or they get dried out by the time I get home from work. I work 12 hr shifts, so it makes it tough to keep an eye on them. I didn’t have this problem last year because I made a different mistake. I had my lights 8-10 inches above the tiny seedlings and they grew very leggy and were toppling over, as they were stretching for the light. But I recovered and did pretty well last year even though we had a cool wet summer.

    Anyhow, I am fighting through my trial and errors and I have some questions for you, sir.

    1)From jiffy pods, I have some of my Vipers that have 4(2 sets) true leaves. One is two inches tall and the others are an inch or a little more. Should I transplant them into 3-4 inch jiffy pots now, in potting soil?

    2)I bought a sophisticated organic fertilizing kit that contains: bat guano, worm castings, kelp extract, etc. I hope it’s worth it. Anyhow, when do you start to fertilize? These instructions for the ferts that I bought say to start at week one after growth. I’ve had growth for 2+ weeks now, but last year I didn’t fert until after repotting.

    3)I plant in 5 gal buckets
    a)Moisture control or regular potting soil? I do not have compost ready yet for this year.(I will mix in worm castings)
    b)Should I double stack my buckets to create a watering reservoir?
    c)Should I line the bottom of my growing bucket with coco husk or peat moss for drainage and moisture control?

    With all that said, I have to grow in buckets on my driveway because I am overly blessed with trees, but I get 8-12hrs or direct sunlight during the outside growing season. So I have 2 months to go yet.

    Thanks, Jigger

    1. pepperseed Post author

      @jigger sorry for the slow reply it’s a busy time of year for me between work and gardening. How are your plants doing now and any questions at this point?

      1. Jigger


        Plants are doing very well. Nice fat dark green leaves and they are a foot or so tall. They are 2 1/2 months old now and I have been beginning to take them outside to harden them. I am in S.E. Michigan and the weather is starting to warm up. I hope to have them transplanted into their containers by mother’s day(May 10th). Looking forward to another summer of exotic hot pepper madness. It’s so much fun and rewarding growing a variety of these extremely hot little guys! I have Scorpions, 7Pot(yellow & white), Ghost, Viper, Reaper, and a mystery pepper that was labeled Bhutlah. Fun Fun Fun!!!

        1. pepperseed

          That’s great to hear Jigger. I just moved my plants outside for hardening too. Probably 3 – 4 weeks before I put them in the ground but figured they could use some sun in the meantime. Good luck!

  31. Jigger


    Continued from my March 15th post:

    Well, I have started to transplant my jiffy podded plants into 3 inch peat pots. I used organic moisture control soil. I hope you agree with that.
    I grow in buckets on the cement and I have had some issues with blossom end rot, with my tomatoes, and I begin getting ripe fruit. To as my best guess is that the roots are getting dried out from the radiant heat from the driveway. I also made a mistake by lining the bottom of my buckets with river rock, hence holding the heat in. I am wondering if I should use something like peat moss on the bottom to hold moisture and to keep the roots cool. Maybe even double up my 5 gallon buckets to create a reservoir. With all that said, I have not had any issues with my exotic hot peppers. Just wondering, your thoughts?

    1. pepperseed Post author

      @jigger I’ve been known to use the double bucket method too. Helps keep roots cool and leads to better growth IMHO. How are your plants doing? I’ve been busy and a little slow to reply to everyone.

  32. danb

    I’m growing a variety of peppers in a terrarium with both grow lights. Peppers range from scorpion, ghost, paper lantern, and temperature is kept at 88 degrees. Humidity fluctuates between 65 and 80 percent. Soil temps at roughly 82 degrees. I water it twice a day with about the squirts from a sissy bottle filed with purified water. It’s been about a week and I was told to expect a long germination process, even up to 90 days for the Ghost Pepper. Obviously, I am too early to see anything sprouting, but I’d hate to think I am drowning my plants, only to find out after the months of patient labor. I’m growing then in little growing oods filed with planting soil. Do you think these conditions are healthy to the germination process? Thanks in advance.

    1. pepperseed

      Conditions sound ok. Once they sprout I’d probably back off on the watering schedule. Good luck!

  33. Rahul

    thanks for your valuable knowledge sharing,
    i have planted pepper in small pots, how many times does i need to water in a day,
    and i have placed them in roof, should i need to prevent from direct sun at noon ?

    1. pepperseed Post author

      @ Rahul, I only water then the are completely dried out, over watering = pepper doom!

  34. cecilio

    My Carolina reaper pepper plants are growing in a pot and when I put them outside they start crumpling up and turning brownish on the leaves what do I do?

    1. Jigger

      You must introduce them to direct sunlight just a little at a time. An hour the first couple days, then increase by an hour every 2 or 3 days. After a week or two, they should be ready to stay out in the direct sun all day long.

    2. pepperseed Post author

      @ cecilio You need to expose them to natural sunlight slowly over time. When I start putting plats outside I give them a few hours per day over the course of a week or so before putting them out full time.

  35. Will

    I’ve got Big Jim’s, Banana, and Bell peppers that the main stem is bright green but the leaves are droopy and yellow. Just transplanted them. Is this just the shock of transplanting, or a water/soil issue?

    1. Jigger

      Did you water them thoroughly during the transplant? It helps to minimize shock. Also, what kind of light source are the plants receiving? Weak lighting will cause yellowing leaves. Another possibility is not enough nutrients. Be sure to feed them once a week. Being in pots, your nutrients are washed away after they have been watered a couple of times.

  36. Will

    And I’m using a plastic cover over garden area. Still the possibility of a freeze here in Northern Arizona.

    1. Jigger

      In the post above, I was assuming you planted in pots. Is that the case? If not, it could be the plastic cover. Make sure to minimize the time that you are covering your plants. Only cover them if absolutely necessary. They need fresh air and the leaves need to be dry. You don’t want them smothered in a moist environment.

  37. Penny

    I have heard of hot peppers maturing with ‘no heat’ at all. I had it happen last year 2014. The weather was so off the radar for growing hot peppers that the only ones with heat were the white lightning. Oh the irony! Any ideas?

    1. Jigger

      Hello Penny,

      What kind of peppers are you growing? I know I have come across this problem with Jalapenos. They say hot summer, hot peppers and too much rain is not good. That was the type of year, here in Michigan, last year. Cool and wet, not good for hot peppers. I only grow the exotic super hots any more. They are sooo hot, it does not matter. My sister and mother grow Jalapenos and they grapple with this issue all the time. They are always honing their skills at getting the best pepper possible. Anyhow, here is a website that may help you with some helpful tips:


  38. Luke

    Found ur information sooo good. Been growing Chilli for about 5 years now. I have 200 plants which are grown in the ground and I put drippers in this year. For the first time my plants all started getting yellow leaves but the veins of the leaves stayed so green and was also getting pests and overall health of the plant didn’t look great. I live in country Australia where the temperature gets up to 40 degrees during summer, So really hot. The top surface of the soil and down a inch or 2 each afternoon will be rock hard. So I was turning on my drippers every afternoon for a hour. Would this be my problem of overwatering? After reading ur post it sounds like I was watering way to much. I actually dug a hole in the soil, the first 2 inches down really dry, but as I got to about a foot and a half down, the soil was really wet. How often should I be watering?

    1. Jigger

      Hello Luke,

      Hopefully our pepper guru will reply real soon for you, but I will speculate and say, yes, it does sound like you are watering too much. Although, a foot and a half is pretty deep. I grow in pots and do have to water every day when the weather gets very warm, but in the ground it is a different story. It sounds like your soil, down deep, holds water very well, so I would back off and try watering every other day, when the weather is very warm. Hot peppers like a good dousing and then left to dry out a bit. Unlike, say tomatoes, that like even watering. Why not go back to what worked in the past? Also, nutrients or a lack of, could be an issue. Is your soil fortified? Let me say, WOW 200 peppers! That is awesome! By the way, aren’t you, there down under, entering the winter months?

      1. Luke

        Thanks for the info Jigger. Yes entered winter here and have wintered my Chilli. Was going to lay down some fertilise over winter to get my soil healthier. Is that what u mean by soil fortified ? And is that what I should be doing? Did start spraying a micro fertiliser, but started a bit late and think I pulled out about 15 plants that were to far gone. If I’m doing anything wrong let me know, any advice greatly appreciated!! I have 200 plants and my partners has around 150, we started making hot sauce for our family and friends we started with about 10 plants each and it’s got a bit out of hand. We sell it locally and can’t keep up with demand. So as we speak, my father in-law has given us some land which we are preparing for summer when we will be planting 1000 plants. The hobby has turned into a obsession the wife’s not to happy about!!

  39. Jigger

    Well, it is hard to say what is wrong, but over-watering could be it. You say you are using a micro fertilizer, so you shouldn’t have an iron deficiency, because it could be that, as well. I would suggest testing your soils ph level and go from there. Anywhere from 5.5 to 7.0 is your target. Adding compost and/or manure and tilling it in will help to fortify your soil before your next planting. As far as controlling pests, you could use home remedies like cayenne pepper and sprinkle it around your plants and you can spray your plants with a detergent free dish soap water mixture to suffocate insects on your plants(always check the undersides of the leaves, as well). I also use a neem oil and it does the trick when I have unwanted bugs on my plant. I would also suggest watering in the morning rather than the afternoon. When it gets hot outside, your plants may wilt, but don’t panic and water right away. It is natural for them to do this to keep cool, in the hot sun. I use a water probe that tells me how much moisture is in my soil. I would use that if the wilting is concerning you, in the afternoon. Mine is 7 inches long and has an analog needle that reads on a scale from 1-10, dry-moist-wet(only costs a few bucks). You want them on the dry-moist side in the late afternoon, never wet except right after watering , of course. Your wilting plants will stand back up, shortly after the sun and heat die down for the day.

  40. Luke

    Thanks heaps Jigger. Great and very helpful info. Already looking forward to spring so I can get back in the garden.

    1. Jigger


      You are very welcome, but continue to ask questions and use other sources. I am on the opposite of the globe and conditions may be very different, but I think the basic info I gave you should be useful. I wish we could attach pics to show you my peppers. We are in mid spring here and I have my peppers planted outside in their containers. Waiting on the weather to shape up. It’s been cool and rainy. Luckily, I have a place in the garage where I can roll them in(I have them on casters) and put them back under the lights. My peppers are 14-16 inches tall and the leaves are a nice dark green. I also have several buds and flowers on each plant. So far, so good. Just need some hot, sunny, and dry weather and they should take off.


      1. Luke

        I definately will keep the questions up! Have been looking and reading hundreds of websites over the last season and found in one answer Pepperseed answered what I thought I been doing wrong and gave me a great read. Your answers have also been sooo good as well Jigger. Thanks heaps. Did a quick convert fahenheit to degrees Celsius and not to make you jealous but where I live in the country, we get anywhere between 104 to 115 fahenheit all summer and hardly any humidity, my climate is super dry heat. Great for chilli not for leaving the house

  41. Jigger


    lol, that is what I am talking about! Huge, different conditions! WOW! But I still believe in watering in the morning. That way they can process the water in the hot sun, all day long. And I think you should amend your soil with compost and/or manure. If you are able to, lay a mulch down to help keep the moisture in better. That way your top soil won’t be so rock hard and maybe you can water less. It will be trial and error, but these ideas are ideal. Again, check you soil’s PH and get a water moisture probe, that way you will know exactly what is going on. Gosh, I am jealous of all that heat you have there. I don’t like it, but the peppers love it. Maybe not quite that hot, but warmer than what I am dealing with. We rarely hit 100 here, but solid mid 80’s and low 90’s are common and that’s what I am waiting for, the peppers love the hot sun. Good luck Luke!

  42. Scott

    I am growing the Carolina reaper for the first time this year. We have had record rainfall in Oklahoma in May and it has been mostly cloudy. Now we are having warm days with bright sunshine. I have my plant in a 5 gallon bucket and was wondering if temps of 90-93 degrees with all day sun will be too much for it from Friday – Monday night until I come back into town. Would it be better to sit bucket for partial sunligh? The plant is healthy at this time and about 65 days old but is just getting used to the all day sun. Thanks

    1. Jigger

      I grow Reapers and other exotics in 5 gallon buckets and when it gets that hot, I have to water every morning and occasionally again in the late afternoon. I am in S.E. Michigan and in the middle of the summer we have the kind of weather you are having now(except for last year, it was a cool summer here). So, yes definitely, I would put them in full shade, if you can not get anyone to check on them for you. I have been growing in buckets for a few years now and have learned that you need to water and feed your plants about twice as often as you would as opposed to growing in the ground. Also put a saucer of some sort underneath to hold what moisture you give them before you leave. If it is going to be that hot and no rain, you will need to give them a good soaking before you leave. Just don’t drown them.

    2. Jigger

      It is normal for some to drop off. As long as most are turning into peppers, then you have no major issues. Too hot or too cold of temperatures, poor pollination, too much nitrogen are possibilities. I am in Michigan and my temps are quite lower than yours and I have some dropping as well. Optimal temperature is 70-85 degrees. Tips-Use a liquid fertilizer with micro-nutrients, as well as macro-nutrients. A fertilizer that contains ingredients, such as guano, kelp, and fish emulsion. This will help your plant to absorb the macro-nutrients(nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium) more efficiently. At this point of growth, lower the nitrogen and up your phosphorous, but don’t over feed. Feed once a week, if you are watering everyday. Try setting your potted plant near flowers that attract bees and butterflies to help with pollination. Use an Epsom salt foliage spray-1 tsp/quart of water and spray the leaves of your plant, once every two weeks. If you are experiences consistent temps over 90, then give them a break and put them in the shade during the hottest part of the day or when you can. Do you have any peppers starting to grow yet? Btw, I answered your last question, here, because the threads are getting narrower each time we reply. If you answer me back, start a new thread here.

      1. Scott

        I see now. I was wondering why it was getting so short with the message. No, I have not got any peppers yet. I just have a bunch of little pods that get a flower on them. 3 of them fell off. I think I have around 8 that have flowers on them and probably have about 40-50 little pods. This plant has really grown. It is over 2 ft tall but it is about 90 days old. This isn’t just my first time growing a Carolina Reaper, it is the first time growing a pepper plant EVER. So all this is new to me on seeing how they flower and become peppers, etc. It has been hot here.. about 93 degrees but I water every morning in my five gallon bucket. I have been using a bone meal that seems to be working good and have put miracle grow on it I think twice in its lifetime. I’m trying to get the 12 hours of sunlight like you have suggested. I have a deck in my back yard that has a stain on it and I think that makes it hotter so I have been sitting them in the grass. But yes.. My concern was how a few of the flowers with the stem had fallen off. At 90 days I am not sure how much longer to expect to get peppers.

        1. Jigger

          Ok, everything sounds good, but I would suggest backing off on the bone meal. It is a slow release phosphorous supplement and should last you the rest of the season. Also, if your going to use Miracle Grow, start using the Bloom Booster product. It has a NPK rating of 10-52-10 and only use at half strength, once a week. You need to cut back on the nitrogen as it sounds like your plant has grown enough foliage. I prefer a liquid fertilizer that contains trace elements and micro-nutrients(google search and read up, it would take too long to explain). Although, in the past, I had decent success with MG. Yes, I like the idea of putting your pot on the grass to try and keep it as cool as possible. It is quite hot enough, where you are. You are right on schedule at 90 days, typically it takes 120-160 days for mature peppers. Keep up the good work!

          1. Scott

            Right now my Reaper just has one pepper on it about the size of a dime. I bet it has about 40 pods with flowers but most of them have been falling off at the stem. I am thinking it is too hot but am waiting it out as the plant is very healthy. I am not sure Oklahoma is a good place to grow these peppers. It is either too hot, I am gone and not enough light, etc.. I had a question. Oklahoma is going through a real hot spell right now with heat indexes around 110-115. I was going to be gone this weekend for about 3 days and have nobody to water the plant in the back yard in the bucket. Would it be better to bring the plant inside and sit by a window or leave in the shade outside with about 5 hours of sunlight a day for 3 days without water?

            1. Jigger

              Boy, that’s tough. I would have to recommend taking your Reaper indoors. With nobody there to keep an eye on it, I think it would be safer. Give it a good hearty watering before you leave and it should be fine. In that kind of heat, that is why you are dropping flowers. Don’t get discouraged though, you will eventually get peppers. Sounds like your harvest season will be much later than ours, up here in Michigan. My peppers are rolling in, but our temps have been upper 70’s to upper 80’s. Perfect for them. Just keep it green and healthy and you will reap benefits later in the season.

    3. Jigger

      I am very interested in how your Reapers are doing. I hope all is well!

      1. Scott

        I brought the one big reaper inside as you suggested while I was gone. It formed two small peppers so I thought I might try to leave this inside and put in a spot to get as much sunlight as possible. I think it has to be the heat with the flower drop. We are between 105-115 heat index in Tulsa, Ok suburb. No exaggeration. Very hot here. I have one other reaper I am trying outside and it is more bushy with less flowers. I thought maybe if I could get through August I might get peppers but my good plant was started in March. This is the first time I have grown so I am really unsure about many things.

        1. Jigger

          I am afraid you will have to wait until the dog days of summer are behind you, to reap benefits. You have a very long growing season. Your plants will flower as the weather cools. Just be patient and keep you plants healthy and you will be fine. Try to keep your plants in half sun/half shade until cooler weather arrives. Being in pots is in your advantage, as you can move them according to the weather. I would keep both plants outside, when you can keep an eye on them and when you are out of town, bring them inside. You should get plenty of flowers towards the fall, then you can give them full sun and watch your flowers turn to peppers. Google search with questions you have and read up on multiple ideas and tips, in the meantime. There are lots of good information out there. Hang in there and keep your plants healthy and you will be rewarded.

  43. Scott

    Thanks for the advice. I will keep under porch where it will just mainly catch morning sun until I return. I have used bonemeal once to try get leaves flattened. Do you use that as well on Reapers? How about miracle grow? I’ve heard to watch too much nitrogen.

    1. Jigger

      I have never used bonemeal, I believe it is a good source of phosphorus and calcium and generally added in your soil composition during transplant. I also read that you can use it as a side dressing if necessary. I guess it would depend on your potting soil and how fortified it is already. I used to use miracle grow with decent results, but I have now went completely organic and use a liquid fertilizer that has micro-nutrients as well as macro-nutrients. Micro being minerals like, iron zinc calcium copper etc. These nutrients aid in development, against diseases, and to help to absorb macro-nutrienrs(nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). As a general rule, I use half strength solution of fertilizer than what it says on the container, especially if your potting soil is already well amended and feed them once a week because your nutrients are being washed away, through the bottom of your container. With all that said, I hope your potted Reapers are planted in a good moisture control potting soil, containing perlite and vermiculite. This will help to retain water during those long gaps between watering. Good luck!

      1. Scott

        The reaper was fine when I returned and it is really growing. It has now started putting out little pepper pods. It has been about 93-96 degrees this week so have left in the sun part of the day and do the shade part of the day too. I have never trimmed any of the bottom leaves or anything. I was wondering if it was best to do that so it could concentrate on other areas? I wish I could post a picture of it. The leaves are very big and the pepper seems very healthy at this time. We are expecting a little rain this weekend and would like to let it sit under a slow steady rain if possible.

        1. Jigger

          Sounds like your doing great! I would only pluck off leaves that are ready to drop off. As the plant matures, the lower, older leaves will yellow and start to drop off. Just discard those as they die off. I would not worry about plucking anything healthy off, just let it grow. Fat green leaves are what you want. Very nice! I would suggest letting it get, at least 12 hours of sun. If you are there every morning and/or evening, you will be able to keep an eye on it. Remember, these are from tropical strain chili plants, so they are genetically geared for the sun and heat. Seeing how you are growing in a 5 gallon bucket, you will need to be attentive to it for it’s watering needs. I would assume you will need to water every morning or every other morning, in that kind of weather. Get a water probe or just simply pick up the bucket, from time to time, to tell if it is heavy or light, to know if it is thirsty or not.

          1. Scott

            I think I will try to leave out in the sun for at least 12 hours as suggested. I have drilled 4 or 5 small holes in the 5 gallon bucket so it can drain and have been watering it on average every other morning. I had read somewhere else you need to wait until it wilts to water but don’t want to push it that far. I am anxious for a pepper. I got a buddy who says he just loves hot peppers. 🙂

            1. Jigger

              In the hot sun, you will get sun wilt, do not confuse it with wilt from lack of water. The plant wilts to deflect the direct sunlight when it gets very warm and wants to conserve energy. The best way to know if it is wilting from lack of water is testing the soil. By weight of the bucket, a water meter with a 7 inch probe, or push your finger two inches into the soil and see how dry it is. In other words, peppers will wilt in the hot sun, even though they need no water. If they are wilting and your soil is moist, then you are ok. When the sunlight wanes, your plants should stand back up, in the evening. If they don’t, then they need water. Like I said, I know guys who simply pick up their buckets and they know by weight. Personally, I use a probe. When it is hot , like what you are having, I water every day. Seems like you got it down, just take those tips and try them if you need to. You doing great!

              1. Scott

                Thanks for the great tips. I was thinking the wilt was from lack of nutrients but it does seem each morning it looks better than it did in the evening. You mention watering in the morning. Is there any difference than watering at night when the sun has gone down and if so why is morning watering preferred?

                1. Jigger

                  This is an ongoing debate by gardeners across the globe. The reason why I believe watering in the morning is because, it allows the heat of the day to evaporate any excess water that may contribute to fungus or disease. I also believe that the plant is more actively absorbing nutrients and growing in the daytime hours.

                  Also, you may find yourself watering a second time in a day when it gets extremely warm. When growing tomatoes in containers, this becomes a must in very hot and windy days. Pepper plants are a little more forgiving and may not suffer any damage from getting a little too dry in the heat.

                  With all that said, you still only want to water your Reaper when needed. Water them when the soil is dry and water them thoroughly and deeply, so the water comes out the bottom of your container. In 90-100 degree weather you will be watering at least once a day.

                  1. Scott

                    My Carolina reaper is still growing pretty good and flowering. I have noticed two or three of the flowers with the 2 inch or so long stems have fallen off. Is this something to be concerned about?

      2. Scott

        I have got a couple of the reapers that have been red now for a week or so that are on the plant. Do you think they are ready to take off the plant? It is finally cooling down in Oklahoma and am hoping for some late peppers to arrive. I sure did have major flower and stem falloff during the summer. Also, what is the best way to store peppers? Thanks

        1. Jigger

          Hello Scott,
          Yes, they are ready to pick. Actually, I like to pick them before they are totally red. They will ripen up nice in the house and you won’t have to worry about them starting to rot on the vine or fall off. Also, the energy, of the plant, will now be focused on the smaller peppers and flowers. About storing peppers, if you are not using them within a week or so, I would suggest dehydrating them. Cut them in half and carefully remove the seeds(save the seeds for sewing next year’s harvest) without removing too much of the placenta(hottest part of the pepper), then put them in a dehydrator, if you have one. Or put your oven on the warm setting and dry them that way. You can also freeze them, although I never have, but I would remove the seeds. They tend to turn black, inside the pepper. You can search on line for more ideas.

  44. Geo.

    I’m in Phoenix, growing Cayenne peppers in an outside garden, can I let them dry out on the plant?

    1. Jigger

      Absolutely not, they will continue to ripen, over-ripen and then rot and fall off. As they turn red, clip them off with about an inch of stem left on the pepper. You can string them up by using a needle and thread or fishing line. Thread them through the stems and hang them in a warm dry place. If you have a dehydrator, that works best. An oven will work as well, on the warm setting(below 200 degrees farenheit). Turn them over, halfway through, for even drying. If using an oven or dehydrator, remove the stem first.


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